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♫ Muzyka z beksinski.pl
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#1 2010-06-22 21:31
Proszę o pomoc w znalezieniu tytułu utworu, który został wykorzystany na stronie beksinski.pl w zakładce Original Works. Wiem, że autorem jest Zbigniew Preisner. Z góry dziękuję.
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#4 2013-04-23 00:10
Znasz tytuĹ wysĹuchanym w "Limited Edition" sekcji? Nie mogÄ znaleĹşÄ nigdzie.
#5 2013-04-23 08:25
Civo, English, please?
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Tego nie czytać, broń Boże!
Badasses come in small packages.
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#6 2013-04-24 19:26
Yes, sure :
On this same website beksinski.pl, especially on the "Limited Edition" section, there is a piece of music that I can not find in the Zbigniew Preisner "Decalog" album.
Can anybody help me identify it or give me the reference ?
I underscore that I'm talking about the "Limited Edition" section.
NOT the "Limited Edition on Sale Now" section.
Thank you in advance.
#7 2013-04-24 19:38
Thanks, I'll translate into Polish for those who need translation.
Szukamy muzyki ze strony http://beksinski.pl/ zakładka "Limited Editions" - jedna z tych poruszających się kropek - (NIE: Limited Edition on Sale Now).
Popieram to i to.
Tego nie czytać, broń Boże!
Badasses come in small packages.
#8 2013-04-24 20:06
It's Zbigniew Preisner - Crying For Help/Humiliation. It's from "Aberdeen" movie.
Ostatnio edytowany przez konrad509 (2013-04-24 20:09)
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#9 2013-04-24 20:23
konrad509 : Thank you for this link.
The video/title seems to be a "meddley" of different titles.
The piece I'm looking for, actually starts at 0'36 in this video and ends at 2'08.
Does it exist in any album beside this Motion Picture Soundtrack ?
#10 2013-04-24 21:26
I don't think it's a medley. It's just that the piece you're looking for is a fragment of that track :)
#11 2013-04-24 21:30
It seems it is only included on the "Aberdeen" OST album.
Popieram to i to.
Tego nie czytać, broń Boże!
Badasses come in small packages.
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#12 2013-04-24 21:42
I think you're both right.
On my side, I can't find anything beside this title.
I thought about a meddley because of the different "pieces" we can distinguish in that title, and also because the title is a composed name : "Crying For Help - Humiliation".
Thank you two guys, for your help.
PS : Of course, if anybody gets any reference about this piece of music, please feel free to mention it here.
Ref : http://www.baksinski.pl
- "Limited Editions" section.
My email address in case : civomirak@yahoo.fr
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- Wiadomości: 6
#13 2013-04-24 21:48
I have just registered on this website and subscirbed to this thread. So I'll be aware of any information here.
By the way, that's an interesting website.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Civo (2013-04-24 22:37)
#14 2013-04-24 22:38
Thanks. :)
If you are looking for other music, you're welcome to ask. :)
Popieram to i to.
Tego nie czytać, broń Boże!
Badasses come in small packages.
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- Muzyka z beksinski.pl
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