Minęło 2283 dni od ostatniej odpowiedzi w tym temacie. Może być już ciut przeterminowany ;)
♫ Pitbull. Niebezpieczne kobiety
Gośka z Piastowa
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#81 2018-01-06 00:17
Podaje tytuł piosenki z filmu Vegi " Niebezpieczne kobiety", scena z wesela (ślubu) : MAGIC ZONE "Wiem to na pewno" miłego słuchania!
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#82 2018-03-30 19:27
Co do instrumentalu to na 99% jest to dzieło Łukasza Targosza, niestety nigdzie nie mogłem znaleźć na yt :/
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#83 2018-10-09 03:52
Piosenka pod mostem przy wozie strażackim.
"Every Promise I Ever Made" - Darrell Wayne Perry, Donald Ross Pfrimmer
You never looked better than you do tonight
Love sure looks good on you
I knew a vacation would sure do you good
And that diamond on your hand was overdue
He kept every promise I ever made
Things I said would come if you’d only wait
My good intentions were too little too late
So he kept every promise I ever made
Now you’re in the new home that we dreamed about
But dreaming was all I could do
I worked around it and he worked it out
Now you finally got the man I promised you
He kept every promise I ever made
Things I said would come if you’d only wait
My good intentions were too little too late
So, he kept every promise I ever made
- muzykazreklam.pl
- muzyka z filmów
- Pitbull. Niebezpieczne kobiety
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