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♫ Candy [2006]
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- 1
#2 2009-06-19 23:13
Skąd wziąć muzykę - nie wiem. Mogę pomóc tylko tracklistą. :)
"Song to the Siren"
Performed by Paula Arundell
"One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Barbie Dolls"
Performed by Pizzicato Five
"Blue Moon"
Performed by My Life With The Thrill Kill Cult
"Wedding Theme From Candy"
Performed by Johnette Napolitano
Performed by Amon Tobin
"Let's Get Away From It All"
Performed by Pippa Grandison
Performed by Soul Coughing
"Sugar Man"
Performed by Rodriguez
"Ave Vernum Corpus"
Performed by Sydney Philharmonia Choir & Sydney Symphony Orchestra
Performed by Good Bhudda
"White Rabbit's Funeral"
Originally composed for DV8 Physical Theatre's "Cost of Living" directed by Lloyd Newson
"Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten"
Performed by the Bournemouth Sinfonietta
"Song to the Siren"
Performed by Tim Buckley
Popieram to i to.
Tego nie czytać, broń Boże!
Badasses come in small packages.
#3 2009-06-20 00:04
Dziękuje chociaż i za to.
- muzykazreklam.pl
- muzyka z filmów
- Candy [2006]
- Strona:
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